Tag: hydrogen
Design of the Elements Points to a Theistic Universe
An innumerable number of features of the natural world show evidence of purpose and intent.
The Remarkable Carbon Atom
This is another one of many countless features of our universe that have to be “just right” for life — in particular, advanced life — to exist.
An Astonishing Life-Friendly Coincidence: The Properties of the Nonmetal Atoms
It is well established that there are far more ways in which the universe might have been that are non-conducive to life than there are life-friendly ways.
In Aurora Borealis, Scientific and Aesthetic Design Arguments Meet
You appreciate the aurora borealis or aurora australis because you were not created by strictly material evolutionary processes.
A Closer Look at Natural Law
The property of a keen sense of smell allows a polar bear to smell a seal miles away under the ice.