Tag: ice
Doctor’s Diary: No Such Thing as a Coincidence
I find coincidences everywhere I look, all the time. Consider a simple blade of grass. One could write a long treatise about the simultaneous goings-on therein.
The Properties of Water Point to Intelligent Design
It becomes increasingly difficult to deny what Fred Hoyle called a “common sense interpretation of the facts.”
Glaciers Enhance the Biosphere — By Design
Glacial meltwater performs unexpected and surprising roles that benefit life on earth.
Preview: James Tour Asks Brian Miller About Ice, Entropy, and the Origin of Life
Dr. Tour wants to know: “This is the origin of life. How did that first living system form?”
Watch: Chemist Marcos Eberlin on Water as a “Supernatural Liquid”
A humble glass of water out of the kitchen faucet — nothing special there, right?