Tag: information processing
New Study Reveals Secrets of Honey Bee Waggle Dance
There are several factors that make detecting direction challenging for the observing bees. One is that the dances take place inside a dark hive.
Astrobiologists Offer an “Information-Based View of the Biosphere”
Even if their estimates need to be revised by a terabase or two someday, they have made it clear that our biosphere is awash in information.
Bayesian Probability and Intelligent Design: A Beginner’s Guide
If the phrase “Bayesian calculus” makes you want to run for the hills, you’re not alone! Bayesian logic can sound intimidating at first.
More Scientific Problems with Paul Rimmer’s Views on Origin of Life
Naturally occurring self-organization is fundamentally different from the order in living systems.
Do Present Proposals on Chemical Evolutionary Mechanisms Point Toward the First Life?
Abiogenesis is the prebiotic process wherein life, such as a cell, arises from non-living materials such as simple organic compounds.