Tag: intelligent agent
Natural Selection: The God that Failed
The god-of-the-gaps objection does have some merit to it, but it does not rule out ID. The progress of science has dethroned a multitude of false gods.
Control Systems in Vertebrate Limbs Further Demonstrate that They Were Designed
Even if one limb suddenly transformed into another, the new limb would prove useless until its control system was entirely reengineered.
Oceanic Design: The Fine-Tuned Balance of Trace Elements for Marine Life
This long-term cycling is again indicative of a system that was well designed for sustainability.
Examining the Fine-Tuning Argument by Elimination
In his article “Has the Multiverse Replaced God?” William Lane Craig presents the fine-tuning argument using the process of elimination.
In Bats and Other Animals, Evidence of Common Design in a Magnetic Compass
There has been little data previously to confirm that mammals navigate long distances using the earth’s geomagnetic field.