Tag: interventions
NYU Scientists Confuse Artificial Selection with Darwinism
It should be obvious: if you are controlling the mutations and selecting the outcomes, you are not doing Darwinism.
Wesley Smith on Transhumanism — A New Tower of Babel
Wesley has been fighting this fight almost single-handedly, as the media looks on in admiration at attempts to control evolution and usher in a secular New Jerusalem.
So Now Will Nurses Only Prevent Some Suicides?
Here’s the problem. The leadership of organized medicine and mainstream bioethicists are increasingly joining the progressive ideological coalition.
Scientific American: Prevention Can Benefit Any Suicidal Person
My last hospice patient, Bob, told me that after some months of just wanting to be dead, that he had “come out of the fog.”
A Child’s Intuition of Purpose in Nature Is No Accident
In 1929, child psychologist Jean Piaget called children “artificialists” who tend to regard everything as “the product of human creation.”