Tag: irreducibly complex systems
Astounding: The Role of Motor Proteins in Cell Division
A crucial aspect of mitosis is the movement of chromosomes — initially the alignment of as paired sister chromatids during prometaphase and metaphase.
“Irreducible Complexity” in the News
In a loose sense, America may be “irreducibly complex” but NPR sure is not. And “diverse”? America is, but NPR certainly isn’t.
Intelligently Designed Evolution? Sorry, Wrong Universe
Many in the intelligent design camp have considered the possibility that the evolutionary process was designed.
Jonathan McLatchie on the Gift of Hearing
“It strains credulity, to suppose that an unguided process of random variation sifted by natural selection could assemble such a delicately arranged system.”
Despite Fine-Tuning, Roger Penrose Is “Agnostic” About Intelligent Design
The slightest changes in almost any of the basic parameters of nature would have led to a universe without stable stars or without stars at all.