Tag: ISI Books
Farewell to Daniel Dennett
Dennett noted that Paul Nelson and I were in the audience and would be speaking at Tufts that evening on intelligent design.
Dawkins, Dennett, and the Taste for Iconoclasm
I’ve had two memorable encounters with Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, one with Dennett alone, the other with both together.
Michael Keas Debunks Science-Faith Warfare Myth
“Scientists do love a good story,” says Keas. “Turns out there are plenty of stories we shouldn’t believe.”
Listen: No, Bill Nye, a Big Cosmos Isn’t a Problem for Religion
Bill Nye recently dusted off this old saw, but the Old Testament itself, in the Psalms, depicts man and the Earth as tiny in compared to a vast universe.
Pre-order Unbelievable Now at a 50 Percent Discount! See Michael Keas in Colorado This Week
Behind all the myths skewered in Dr. Keas’s book lies the idea of religion cast falsely as a retarding force on science.