Tag: James A. Shapiro
Slate on Evolution’s “Third Way”: The Sound of a Glacier Melting
I’m interested in “science as a cultural domain,” too. And here’s a great illustration of how the culture changes.
On Intelligent Design, Do Your Own Homework. Make Up Your Own Mind.
C.S. Lewis encountered an objection to his literary criticism analogous to Kevin Williamson’s and explored its underlying logic.
Kevin Williamson on Intelligent Design
No intellectually challenging idea has attracted more uninformed criticism than ID.
Sober Thoughts on ID’s Future
“The former Soviet Union collapsed very quickly even though it looked invincible a few years earlier.”
Following the Evidence Where It Leads: Observations on Dembski’s Exchange with Shapiro
What if we detect pervasive signs of design, or information input, that require intelligent agency? At what point does the possibility of intelligent design become acceptable to the broader scientific community?