Tag: Joe Biden
Francis Collins Renews Attack on Michael Behe and Intelligent Design
It isn’t intelligent design that “has fallen victim to advances in science.” It’s Darwin’s outdated theory.
In Aurora Borealis, Scientific and Aesthetic Design Arguments Meet
You appreciate the aurora borealis or aurora australis because you were not created by strictly material evolutionary processes.
Robert J. Marks on Fox News: You Are Not Going to Be AI’s “Pet”
Regarding ChatGPT, Dr. Marks said one of its biggest problems is its evident bias.
#5 Story of 2022: The Rise of Totalitarian Science
Now, facts are becoming clearer — and so are the momentous consequences of the pandemic for our culture.
Weikart: In His Own Mind, White Supremacist Gunman Was Only Following the Science
President Biden this week said it is “running through our body politic.” If so, it’s strange that I’m not sure I’ve ever met a genuine white supremacist.