Tag: John Maynard Smith
Jason Rosenhouse and Specified Complexity
Not all patterns eliminate chance in the presence of improbability. Take an arrow shot at a target.
Social Exclusion and the Evolution Debate
Social exclusion via refusal to engage is probably the most powerful and effective means of controlling the debate about origins within science.
Vindicated But Not Cited: Paper in Nature Heredity Supports Michael Behe’s Devolution Hypothesis
The literature is looking at the same data that intelligent design proponents are looking at, making similar observations, and asking similar questions.
Déjà Vu at National Review
Some guy once wrote that there’s nothing new under the sun. He must have had political conservatives’ pro-Darwin arguments in mind.
Error Catastrophe: Manfred Eigen’s Show-Stopper Is Still Stopping the Origin-of-Life Show
We are nearing a half-century since Eigen wrote about this paradox, and it “still challenges theoretical biologists.”