Tag: Jonathan Wells
Jonathan Wells Evaluates Darwinian Evolution in New Online Course
How strong is the evidence for Darwinian evolution? What are the limits of the Darwinian mechanism?
New Course on Evolution Challenges Group-Think with Scientific Skepticism
Consider spending the time — 40 lessons with accompanying quizzes to check your progress — to weigh the evidence for yourself.
New DiscoveryU Course: Jonathan Wells Takes an Objective Look at the Evidence for Evolution
The notion that knowledge must reject mind as a casual factor in origins studies is a materialist presumption — not science.
A New Look at Natural Selection
If you are a pine tree, you need to have antifreeze in your needles if you are rooted beyond certain latitudes or elevations.
Look: On Thanksgiving, Be Grateful for the Intelligent Design of Your Eyes
Eyes were quite the sudden, unanticipated gift in the history of life. Charles Darwin expected that they must have developed from simple forerunners.