Tag: Joseph Stalin
The War on 2 + 2 = 4
The people weighing in against 2 + 2 = 4 are not mathematicians but in education departments where they teach the teaching of mathematics.
Recalling Orwell’s Timely Warning on Groupthink
The censorship he had to address was not a conspiracy or even a campaign; it was spontaneous.
Yet Another Scholar Seeks to Airbrush Darwin’s Racist Legacy
Racists for decades, down to today, have looked to Charles Darwin as a champion of their ideas, and if they’re right about anything, it’s that.
When Darwinism Came to Africa, Horrors Ensued
Olufemi Oluniyi tells the story of Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov, who, guided by Social Darwinism, “sought to produce a race of super-soldiers for Stalin’s army.”
The Cruel Legacy of Social Darwinism in Nigeria
Social Darwinism rests like a tiger moth on Darwinism, its mother theory; when challenged with facts, it just flits to a slightly different position.