Tag: Kevin Williamson
Physics Nobel Prize Invites Snark from the Anti-ID Peanut Gallery
Insofar as Peebles’s work helps to strengthen the evidence for a cosmic beginning, it is actually part of the argument for intelligent design.
Now on YouTube — Stephen Meyer, Eric Metaxas on the Return of the God Hypothesis
It’s a great, great privilege to work with brilliant scientists who do such an amazing job of explaining the science that lies behind the deepest questions men and women can ask themselves.
Science and Its Consequences: Kevin Williamson Versus Intelligent Design, Again
The question before us was whether anyone but journalists and other amateurs take the science of ID, “daft rube-bait” according to Kevin, seriously.
When It Comes to Origins Science, Is PNAS Really “Ready When You Are”?
Kevin Williamson imagines that scientists are free to “slug it out” in journals and other academic settings, so that the truth reliably emerges.
Michael Behe’s Darwin Devolves — When You’re Ready to Think for Yourself
The idea that scientists are like tribal elders, to be respected and never questioned, much less smirked at (God forbid), is one possible perspective.