Tag: kidney
Cilium and Intraflagellar Transport: More Irreducibly Complex than Ever
Another of Michael Behe’s molecular machines gets an update. The details are even more fascinating than originally described.
Are Human Brain Transplants Even Possible?
I believe the intelligent design perspective may offer insight into the peculiar inability of central nervous system tissue to regenerate.
“Surgeons as ‘Vultures’”: Medical Journal Pushes Harvesting Kidneys from Dying Patients
When organ-transplant medicine was launched, a wary society was solemnly promised that organs would be taken only from the dead.
Fifteen Science Papers Retracted Over China Illegal Organ Harvesting
Human-rights activists have castigated China for allowing this organ bazaar for years.
In Purpose & Desire, Out Today, Scott Turner Explores Biology’s Second Law
As Turner says, homeostasis is an exceedingly strange idea. Yet without homeostasis there is no life.