Tag: Last Universal Common Ancestor
Let’s Throw Mathematical Light on the Origin of Life
If researchers really were making progress, wouldn’t that mean they would be converging on the same truth? Yet they are not.
New Study Triggers Key Origin of Life Questions
The leap from non-life to life represents a huge jump in complexity and information, one that cannot be explained by reference to a stepwise, gradual process.
“That Is a Lot of Evolution”: Study Finds LUCA Required 2,600 Genes
One scientist commented, “LUCA was a very complex cell, with a genome similar to modern bacteria.”
Study Finds Life’s Origin “Required a Surprisingly Short Interval of Geologic Time”
It’s certainly not impossible that life was already present on Earth at 4.2 Ga. And if it were true it would have intriguing implications.
“Irreducible Complexity” May Be Part of the Definition of Life
There are many bad counter-arguments to Michael Behe’s famous irreducible complexity conundrum, and (in my opinion) one pretty good one.