Tag: Latin
New DiscoveryU Course: Jonathan Wells Takes an Objective Look at the Evidence for Evolution
The notion that knowledge must reject mind as a casual factor in origins studies is a materialist presumption — not science.
Biologist Advocates Biology Without Species; What Could Go Wrong?
So what is real, according to Brent Mishler? Only phylogeny — the tree of evolutionary descent.
The 200th Birthday of Louis Pasteur: A Man of Science and Faith
In the 19th century, it was widely believed that the spontaneous generation of life from non-life was common and unremarkable.
Springtails: Wingless Arthropods that Can Fly
The fossil record shows a “Hexapod Gap.” Unfortunately for Darwin, the two leading theories to explain the gap can be ruled out.
Charles Darwin and the Ghost of Epicurus
Darwinism, when viewed from a philosophical perspective, might more accurately be understood as a late sub-branch of ancient speculative thought.