Tag: living cell
Consciousness — At Odds with the Flesh
The inescapable conclusion from studying the need for sleep is that the body cannot survive without a regular reprieve from effects of this system on the body.
As a Physics Professor, I Can Tell You: Wisdom Transcends Intelligent Design
The fine-tuning of the physical parameters, forces, and laws of nature could hardly have been established by a bottom-up approach.
Dembski and Tour: Why Chance Doesn’t Have a Chance
Proponents of an evolutionary explanation for life and the universe credit natural processes with a seemingly unlimited amount of time and boundless creativity.
Nature Reflects an Intelligent Design — But Also a Moral One
Human beings must have freedom of choice if our actions are to have any meaning beyond the impersonal and predictable outcomes governed by the laws of physics.
James Tour: Reviewing the Challenges for Abiogenesis
To coincide with James Tour’s highly anticipated debate with YouTuber Dave Farina, we pulled this gem out of the archive for your listening pleasure!