Tag: looting
Human Zoos — How “Science” Fueled the Racial Fire
Where did many white people of the past get the wicked idea that their lives matter more than black lives?
Why Intelligent Design Had to Be the First to Face the Guillotine
In Wesley J. Smith’s phrase, in the present cultural moment, we have witnessed “the French Revolution attacking the American Revolution.”
Totalitarianism Is Darwinism Applied to Politics
Atomization is the radical isolation of each individual from every other individual. Atomization breaks the bonds that hold society in its traditional shape.
Racism, Evolution, and Human Exceptionalism
Certain threads in the events of recent months suggest the hand of a skilled novelist.
Human Zoos — How “Science” Fueled the Racial Fire
Ota Benga’s protest — “I am a man! I am a man!” — summarizes the very best message of the Black Lives Matter movement.