Tag: Lydia McGrew
Bayesian Probability and Intelligent Design: A Beginner’s Guide
If the phrase “Bayesian calculus” makes you want to run for the hills, you’re not alone! Bayesian logic can sound intimidating at first.
God Hypothesis: The Problem of Background Knowledge
The wet-washcloth sensation of puppy tongue on baby cheeks is part of the baby’s evidence that Puppy exists.
Recognizing Design by a “Purposeful Arrangement of Parts”
A correspondent asked about “specified complexity” and the intelligent design of the eye.
The Advantages of a Bayesian Approach to ID
Lydia McGrew gives the analogy that there is always a possibility that prehistoric civilizations did not have the ability or desire to make arrowheads.
Applying Bayes’ Theorem to Biological Design
Suppose we want to know the odds that a particular individual won last week’s Mega Millions jackpot in the United States.