Tag: machine
Cellular Cognition? So Much for Darwinism!
Following up in considering Daniel Nicholson’s challenge to the machine concept of the cell, I will examine intracellular transport and cellular behavior.
Is the Cell a Machine, or More Like a Mind?
At least as we’re accustomed to thinking in our age of AI, the alternative to a machine is a mind.
Answering Farina on Behe’s Work: Bacterial Flagella
The video complains about Behe’s “usage of terminology pertaining to machinery.” Is Farina going to charge the entire flagella community with dishonesty?
Back-to-Back, Failed Visions of the “Brain as a Supercomputer”
Douglas Hofstadter argued in much the same vein as Henry Markham, that the brain can be understand in rules-bound machine terms.
Yes, “Your Brain Is a Machine” — Wait, What?
One might add that this analysis applies to the world of life as a whole.