Tag: macro-evolution
Can Darwinian Evolution Be Rescued from Dogma?
Casey Luskin begins a conversation with two distinguished PhD scientists who are asking tough questions of neo-Darwinism.
Your Witness, Mr. Johnson: A Retrospective Review of Darwin on Trial
In Darwinist argumentation, Phillip Johnson found a panoply of euphemism and wishful thinking masquerading as evidence.
Meyer, Axe: “Five Major Problems with Macro-Evolution”
There’s something very clarifying about seeing an argument laid out in crisp bullet points.
Aquinas, Chaberek, Richards: A Cleansing Conversation
Our culture is both degraded and degrading. No doubt the caustic effects of some trends in scientific thought — about biological origins, for example — have played a part in that. What can we do about it?
Answering Simplistic Presentations of Darwinism
Design advocates have the advantage of looking at both sides of the origins debate.