Tag: Martin Nowak
“Crazy Stuff”? Dave Farina on the Waiting Time Problem
The formulation “crazy stuff” of course implicitly suggests that this is a pseudo-problem invented by evil and stupid creationists.
Fossil Friday: Walking Whales and Why All Critiques of the Waiting Time Problem Fail
These fossils are often celebrated as missing links and a success story for Darwinism.
No More Confusion: Three Categories of Biological Redundancy, Simplified
Rewriting the categories of biological redundancy in terms of function clarifies their purpose and contribution.
How Intelligent Design Clarifies Biological Redundancy
ID licenses scientists to be curious about non-conserved biological redundancy and to investigate the possibility that biological redundancy is purposeful.
Watch: Videos Now Available from the Recent ID Conference In Austria
Several prominent members of the ID movement presented talks at the conference, including Stephen Meyer, Ann Gauger, Michael Denton, and Brian Miller.