Tag: materialism
This Week, Science Uprising Is Coming to Facebook; Here’s How You Can Help
Each day this week we’ll be posting one of the episodes on the CSC Facebook page. Here’s what you can do right now to help.
Berlinski Banters Entertainingly with ID-Friendly Muslims
Dr. Berlinski questions evolutionary understandings of language and expresses doubt as to what reproductive benefit could have accrued to “the first guy to master the Greek subjunctive.”
ID Meeting in Israel — Next Year in Jerusalem?
This was a remarkably cross-disciplinary dialogue among physicists, chemists, biologists, neuroscientists, as well as philosophers and historians of science.
David Goldman on Gelernter’s Darwin Apostasy
Against the backdrop of materialist science’s failure, what accounts for the rise of modern determinist mythologies, led by astrology and transhumanism?
How Does a Religious Studies Professor Become a Darwinian Skeptic?
The perpetuation of Darwinian ideology comes at the cost of truly grappling with the profound nature of the question of biological origins.