Tag: materialism
Mission Impossible: Darwinizing Beauty
The ease of ascribing beauty to intelligent design contrasts with the impossibility of explaining its origin by material causes.
Dallas and Westminster Conferences Tackle Science-Religion “Warfare Myth”
As Jay Richards recounts, James Tour was absolutely “on fire” at the Dallas Conference, ferociously critiquing facile materialist origin-of-life theories.
From Materialists, More Reductio ad Absurdum
Quite honestly, I think we should be grateful to people like Coyne and Hawking, who carry materialism to its logical conclusions.
Martin Luther King’s Powerful Critique of Scientific Racism, Scientific Materialism
Dr. King was sharply critical of the misuse of science to promote racial discrimination, and he spoke forcefully against the idea that humans are the products of a blind material process.
The Transcendental Treasury of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
Truth, beauty, and goodness are abstract concepts that correspond to our deepest desires. They are not likely to have evolved by a neo-Darwinian process.