Tag: medical aid in dying
Self-Starvation to Qualify for Assisted Suicide
Once again, the assisted-suicide movement shows itself to be public-policy promise breakers of the most egregious kind and raw zealots for the death agenda.
How “Medical Aid in Dying” Became the Euphemism of Choice for Assisted Suicide
When radical policies are proposed, the first step is to change the lexicon to make it seem less extreme, even mundane.
CDC Undercounts Suicide Epidemic by Not Including Assisted Deaths
You can call a dung beetle a butterfly, but it remains a dung beetle. The term suicide defines what is done, not why.
Quebec Court Declares Euthanasia “Foreseeable Death” Limitation Unconstitutional
A few years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada conjured a positive right in the Canadian Charter (constitution) to euthanasia.
Canada Court: Doctors Must Euthanize, Abort, or Refer
The culture of death brooks no dissent. In Canada, doctors have been ordered to bend the knee.