Tag: medicine
Scientists Make Male Rat Give Birth
Scientists just took a big step toward making that once unthinkable prospect — biological males giving birth — a reality.
Science and Faith: Stephen Meyer on the Marc Bernier Show
At one point Bernier asks Meyer about the statement, “The heart cannot exalt what the mind rejects.”
The Brain Prosperity Gospel: Can “Neurotheology” Be Real Science?
Neurotheology is likely to become just another materialist fad in which the human rational and spiritual soul is reduced to evolved meat.
Noncoding “Junk” DNA Is Important for Limb Formation
Some defenders of evolutionary orthodoxy would have us believe that we’ve only found a handful of non-coding DNA sequences that have function.
Are Head Transplants Soul Transplants?
The question of the disposition of the soul depends on what we mean by “soul.” Is the soul a thing somewhere in the brain, so to speak, or in the body?