Tag: Mein Kampf
How the Christian Civil Rights Movement Defeated Social Darwinism and Eugenics
American apostles of Darwinism had begun the 20th century weaponizing common racist attitudes to popularize Darwin’s theory
New Book: Social Darwinism and “The Hitler Problem”
I have clearly argued in all my works that Hitler was an eclectic thinker who drew on many different intellectual influences — some of them contradictory.
Himmelfarb and Her Haters
What can be said of Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution in the dusk of 2009, fifty year after its original publication? Is it a terrible book?
A Darwinist Worries about Darwinian Rhetoric
Jack Scanlan, Australian blogger and contributor to Darwinist group blog Panda’s Thumb, picks up on Casey Luskin’s comments here about anti-ID rhetoric and adds an unintentionally humorous suggestion for ID critics.
Rallying to Darwin’s Defense: Robert J. Richards and the Historical Record
Richards argues that “Darwinian evolutionary theory held no special place within the community of biologists supportive of National Socialism…and officials in that party utterly rejected Darwinian theory.”