Tag: memories
What Does Your Brain Do? And What Can It Not Do?
A surprising result of pioneering neurosurgery was the discovery that some mental processes could be stimulated in the brain but others could not be.
Sleeping Mice Show How the Brain Lays Down Memories
Studies of mice running mazes have shed light on the sharp waves of neurons that assist in forming memories.
Memories Are Not “Stored” in the Brain; Here’s Why
It doesn’t make any sense to talk about the “storage” of non-physical entities. Philosophers like to call that a “category error.”
Are Memories “Stored” in the Brain?
The answer has implications both for neuroscience and for our deeper understanding of the mind-body relationship.
At the Altar of that Hideous Strength
C. S. Lewis’s classic science fiction tale is about the temptation to reject being human.