Tag: mentally ill
Self-Starvation to Qualify for Assisted Suicide
Once again, the assisted-suicide movement shows itself to be public-policy promise breakers of the most egregious kind and raw zealots for the death agenda.
In Canada, Euthanasia as “Boon” to Organ Donation
Someday, Canada will probably dispense with the euthanasia part altogether and go straight to killing by organ harvesting.
In Canada, Medical Doctors Kill Thousands in 2018
If 1.12 percent of our deaths in the U.S. were doctor-homicides, it would amount to nearly 30,000.
Qualifying for Euthanasia by Self-Starvation in Canada
Canada has embraced a positive “right to die.” Here is what happens once that Rubicon is crossed.
Shock: Reporter Allows Stephen Meyer to Respond to “God of the Gaps” Challenge
Commuting by bus to the downtown core of intensely progressive Seattle is never less than thought-provoking, in many ways.