Tag: Mesozoic
Fossil Friday: Is the Four-Legged Snake Tetrapodophis a Missing Link or Not?
There should have existed transitional forms, which exhibit at least some typical features of basal snake anatomy.
Fossil Friday: Triassic Kraken Hypothesis Provoked Scornful Darwinist Revenge
Instead of a reasonable and fair scientific debate, McMenamin’s hypothesis has been ridiculed by other scientists and science journalists.
Fossil Friday: Rapid Elongation of Plesiosaur Necks Points to Intelligent Design
The breaking of the conserved number of cervical vertebrae is hard to reconcile with an unguided evolutionary mechanism.
Fossil Friday: Ichthyosaur Birth, Another Evolutionist Just-So Story Falls Apart
This is not how good science is supposed to work but is rather typical for pseudoscience that shields itself against empirical falsification.
Fossil Friday: The Abrupt Origin of Butterflies
This phenomenon could rightfully be called a Tertiary Butterfly Explosion analogous to the Cambrian Explosion of animal phyla.