Tag: metaphysics
Shall We Baptize Darwin? A Catholic Biologist Reflects
Theistic evolutionists are baptizing a theory first composed by Darwin as a substitute for the doctrine of special Creation.
Qualified Agreement: How Scientific Discoveries Support Theistic Belief
For many intellectuals, a scientifically informed worldview was a materialistic worldview. It is not hard to see why they held this opinion.
Kenneth Miller on Consciousness and Evolution
Despite Miller’s claims, neither human reason nor free will evolved because neither is generated by material processes.
Meyer, Craig, Turek: Examining the Kalam Cosmological Argument
Kalam is a reference to ideas in medieval Islamic philosophy that William Lane Craig singlehandedly did much to revive.
Joana Xavier, Skepticism About Design, and a Fable About a Gray Parrot with an iPad
Xavier, of University College London, is a young origin-of-life researcher who has steadily pursued questions of central importance.