Tag: methodological naturalism
Is Methodological Naturalism Racist?
It is well established that people of color are poorly represented in STEM fields compared with their representation in the larger population.
Honoring Richard Lewontin, Famed Evolutionary Biologist and Sometime Critic of His Own Field
The quote for which Lewontin has become best known appeared in his 1997 review of a book by Carl Sagan.
New “Three Views” Book Explores the Relationship of Faith and Science
Unfortunately, this is not the first time we have seen inaccurate descriptions of intelligent design from Professor McGrath.
Meyer on Looking for Croissants in an Art Museum
Scientists who label intelligent design as a “God of the gaps” argument are not unlike the incensed man in the art gallery.
Steak-umm vs. Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Twitter feud has gone viral, with many praising Steak-umm’s sizzling retorts.