Tag: Michael Shermer
Fossil Friday: Three Modern Scientific Challenges to the Causal Adequacy of Darwinian Explanations
As a consequence of the collapsing tree problem, I suggest abandoning evolutionary classifications and return to a pre-Darwinian Linnaean classification.
Watchdog Group Calls Professor Dave “Anti-Semite of the Week”; Plus an Appeal to the New Atheists
Does this have anything to do with intelligent design and the evolution debate? Yes, two things.
Alfred Russel Wallace’s Bicentennial Year: A Cause for Celebration and for Sadness
All the hyperbole shows the fix is in — Wallace has been made safe for scientism and Darwinian reductionism. The academy can breathe easy.
Darwin and Wallace Read Malthus Differently, and That Made a Big Difference
No wonder Alfred Russel Wallace called eugenics “the meddlesome interference of an arrogant scientific priestcraft.”
Professor Dave, Anti-Semite? You Be the Judge
What was unclear was whether his rage against intelligent design reflected just an isolated problem in his thinking, or whether it’s something more system-wide.