Tag: Michigan State University
A Scholarly Riposte to Pop Free Will Denialism
Denial of free will is a quick route to totalitarianism. If you can’t be guilty because you can’t choose, you can’t be innocent either.
Michael Behe on Why Lenski’s Experiments Show Devolution, Not Evolution
Biochemist Michael Behe reviews the well-known Long Term Evolution Experiment at Michigan State.
Viral Video Overstates the Evidence About Bacterial Evolution
Richard Lenski claims that his experiment provides “one of the most direct demonstrations of Darwinian adaptations by natural selection you can imagine.”
Biologist Dustin Van Hofwegen Punctures Claims for Lenski’s Long-Term Evolution Experiment
Perhaps the biggest evolutionary development in the course of the experiment involved some bacteria beginning to feed on citric acid.
A Mousetrap for Darwin, and Another for Lenski
“There have been no mutations…identified that appear to be on their way to constructing elegant new molecular machinery of the kind that fills every cell.”