Tag: microtubules
The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle: An Irreducibly Complex System
Any system that achieves a complex higher-level objective by means of various well-matched interacting components requires foresight to come about.
Kinesins: Nanoscale Molecular Motors, Each Built for a Purpose
We have only skimmed the surface over the past four decades since the first kinesin motor was discovered in 1985.
Engineered Elegance: Generating the Wait Anaphase Signal
Even a single unattached kinetochore is sufficient to trigger the wait anaphase signal, which inhibits activation of the APC/C that drives entry into anaphase.
The Elegant Spindle Assembly Checkpoint
Without this exquisitely engineered system, the cell risks distributing an uneven number of chromosomes to the daughter cells.
I Grew Up with Intelligent Design Videos — Let’s Make More!
The scientific rigor and common sense in the CSC videos I watched as a child taught me to recognize media hype about evolution for what it is.