Tag: migration
Intentionality in Living Systems: What Does It Mean?
One historically dominant position on intentionality has been the Brentano thesis, proffered by 19th-century German philosopher and psychologist Franz Brentano.
Powers Ontology: Overcoming the Limits of Reductionist Materialism
Reductionism is a method for understanding something by minimizing it to a very simple level that can be restricted to abstract language.
Quorum Sensing: A Clever Trick by Microbes
Robot designers are learning tricks from bacteria: how to communicate with and respond to other unseen members of a swarm.
Appreciating Bird Mimicry and the Other Exceptional, Designed Talents
Let the reader enjoy the 350+ word vocabulary of Clover, alleged to be the best talking parrot in the world.
Birds, Bats, Insects: Field Work on Animal Flight Reveals Wonders of Intelligent Design
The capabilities of flying animals continue to amaze scientists, and explanations challenge their best efforts. Does evolutionary theory help?