Tag: Minnesota
A Culture-of-Death Tipping Point
A legal battle raged for several years during which the country agonized and argued about the right and moral course.
Stop Racializing COVID Care
How is any of this constitutional? How do these discriminatory guidelines not break federal civil rights laws?
Wild Rice Sues to Stop Repair of Oil Pipeline
Two years ago the Ojibwe tribe granted wild rice the “right to exist,” which could be said to be a synonym for a right to life.
Richard Lewontin (1929-2021), Mensch
As I stood by the lab doorway, Lewontin — who was sitting right down front — looked back towards the door and caught my eye.
Doctor’s Diary: Evolution in the Country of the Blind
Fans of H. G. Wells are probably familiar with his 1904 short story, “The Country of the Blind.”