Tag: molecular biologists
One of Science’s Biggest Mistakes
Prevailing scientific assumptions often die hard, especially when they fit so neatly into an evolutionary view of the development of life on Earth.
Fossil Friday: The Big Bang of Tertiary Birds and a Phylogenetic Mess
There was an abrupt origin, a burst of biological creativity, which is best explained by an infusion of new information from an intelligent agent.
Casey Luskin on Junk DNA’s “Kuhnian Paradigm Shift”
Intelligent design theorists have long argued against the idea that non-protein coding DNA is useless evolutionary junk.
Roundup of Functions for “Junk DNA” Supports the New RNA Gene Paradigm
The junk DNA paradigm may have caused us to miss the precise DNA that helps makes a species unique.
Listen: Carbon Valley Trumps Silicon Valley
“Nobody doubts that natural selection and random mutation is a biological process. What we doubt is that they can generate fundamentally new forms of life.”