Tag: natural law
A Closer Look at Natural Law
The property of a keen sense of smell allows a polar bear to smell a seal miles away under the ice.
Is Natural Law Irreducible?
Perhaps the most fundamental distinction between naturalism and intelligent design is where each metaphysical framework draws the line at irreducibility.
God’s Grandeur: Some Resources to Explore
How many people are willing to give up morality, rationality, free will, truth, beauty, and goodness as valuable concepts based on reality?
When Catholics Argue for Intelligent Design
The evidence from science is clear, but with the discussion of philosophical questions, the necessity of a Creator becomes overwhelming.
Aeschliman on C. S. Lewis, Scientism, and the Restoration of Man
As Michael D. Aeschliman notes, Lewis powerfully illustrated the shortcomings and dangers of scientism in his final Space Trilogy novel.