Tag: naturalism
Longevity as Evidence of Original Design
A general principle for any designed system is that it functions optimally when it is used or able to perform in the way it was originally designed.
Mind Is Not Annihilated at Death, ER Doc Says
“The evidence so far suggests that the entity we call the human mind… does not become annihilated after a person has died.”
Consciousness — At Odds with the Flesh
The inescapable conclusion from studying the need for sleep is that the body cannot survive without a regular reprieve from effects of this system on the body.
Building a Better Definition of Intelligent Design
Definitional change in science is par for the course: As paradigms shift because of scientific advances, textbook definitions change.
Jonathan Witt: More than Just “Bare” Design, Nature Reveals Cosmic Genius
Like a matryoshka doll, nature displays its depths in a hidden manner, not just on the surface.