Tag: naturalists
Is Natural Law Irreducible?
Perhaps the most fundamental distinction between naturalism and intelligent design is where each metaphysical framework draws the line at irreducibility.
Darwin’s Bluff: Peeling Back the Myth
Tucked away in Darwin’s surviving papers is a manuscript of almost 300,000 words that he continually promised to others but never completed or published.
Natural Selection Subtracts, It Doesn’t Add — And That Matters
In the wild, all organisms must live within their niche. There are no wild polar bears in Arizona, and no iguanas in Alaska.
Farewell to My Teacher, Gerhard Mickoleit
He had rather secretly always been a devout Protestant Christian and he too had some doubts about the causal adequacy and sufficiency of neo-Darwinism.
Darwin’s Top 10 Arguments Against His Own Theory
In its youth the flat-fish is symmetrical with one eye on each side. However, as the body matures, one eye “begins to glide slowly round the head.”