Tag: Nazis
“Ecocide” — Drive to Make Environmental Damage Legal Equivalent of Genocide Accelerates
If either or both of these radical proposals become law, human thriving and economic prosperity will be brought to a screeching halt.
Social Darwinism: The Wallace Factor
Ideas do indeed have consequences, but not all ideas play out the same way or weave their way in the history of ideas toward the same destination.
#6 Story of 2020: Amid a Pandemic, Wisdom from C. S. Lewis
Lewis’s advice seems eerily applicable to our own situation, just substitute “pandemic” for “war.”
How Darwin Shaped the Young Joseph Stalin
Jonathan Wells notes that a figure in the totalitarian tradition was influenced by evolution from a very early age.
Totalitarianism Is Darwinism Applied to Politics
Atomization is the radical isolation of each individual from every other individual. Atomization breaks the bonds that hold society in its traditional shape.