Tag: Neanderthals
The Joy of (Neanderthal) Cooking
The Darwinian account of the human race would be much easier to believe in good faith if scientists could point to a clearly inferior and clearly human being.
Neanderthals Were a Lot More Like Humans than We Realize
There’s still much we don’t know and the evidence is sparse — due in part to the fact that Neanderthals probably had a relatively small overall population size.
Neanderthals Cared for Down Syndrome Children
It may now be that more babies with Down syndrome are killed in the womb than are born.
Evolutionists Are Stymied by the Human Mind
Media love natural histories of the mind. Advocates have proposed mental illness, chimpanzees throwing excrement, and baby slings as the accidental spark.
Fossil Friday: Suppressed Dissent About Neanderthal DNA in Modern Humans
The case of Professor William Amos represents an interesting parallel with dissenters in the intelligent design community.