Tag: Neanderthals
When Did Humans Start Burying the Dead?
Only humans understand death as the inevitable and final reality for all mortal beings no matter what we do.
The Human Mind Has No History
There is no good reason to assume that human intelligence evolved from mud to mind via a long slow history.
Evidence of Woodworking Extends High Human Intelligence Far Back into the Mid-Pleistocene
This rare find shows that some of the very human-like forms in the fossil record were actually much smarter than we thought.
Our Ancestors Are Evolving, Just to Keep Up!
Negative biases about our forebears have long been part of science, education, and popular culture. Why?
Researchers: Neanderthals Invented Process to Produce Birch Tar
The tar can be used for glue, bug repellent, and killing germs. This finding tracks growing recognition of Neanderthals as intelligent.