Tag: Netherlands
In Canada, Euthanasia as “Boon” to Organ Donation
Someday, Canada will probably dispense with the euthanasia part altogether and go straight to killing by organ harvesting.
Depressed Man Euthanized in Canada
I fear many will shrug and say, “The man wanted to die. What else is there to think about?”
Quebec Court Declares Euthanasia “Foreseeable Death” Limitation Unconstitutional
A few years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada conjured a positive right in the Canadian Charter (constitution) to euthanasia.
Canada Embraces Euthanasia “Kill and Harvest”
Where might we expect the ever so nice Canadians to go next? It’s not pretty to think about.
Why VSED Is Indeed Abetted Suicide
On June 4, news outlets around the world reported that Dutch doctors euthanized a 17-year-old rape victim who suffered from severe PTSD, depression, and anorexia.