Tag: New York University
More Discoveries Point to Neanderthal Intelligence
This very ancient people we know the most about can’t be the missing link that many paleontologists are looking for.
Heart Attack Doctor: Science Shows Death Is Not the End
Sam Parnia began by wondering how brain cells can give rise to thoughts. He came to see that the message “from science” was not what he had been led to expect.
Sleeping Mice Show How the Brain Lays Down Memories
Studies of mice running mazes have shed light on the sharp waves of neurons that assist in forming memories.
What Does It Mean to Say “Lobsters Are Conscious”?
Much will be learned from a more careful analysis of the behavior of life forms, which will likely turn up many more instances of unexpected sentience.
Ahead of New Book Edition, Geoglyphs and Natural Features Test Dembski’s Design Inference
Designed features can hide in plain sight. A closer look can sometimes reveal the intentional acts of a mind.