Tag: News and Events
From Biochemist Larry Moran, More Gratuitous Misrepresentations
If he’s read Darwin’s Doubt, he should know by now what intelligent design theorists like Stephen Meyer really think.
Darwin’s Doubt Passes 700 Review Mark on Amazon
Stephen Meyer’s book continues to have its important impact, making steady, incremental progress just like that of science itself.
The Economist Admits Cambrian Explosion Is a “Mystery”
A video offers some of the standard weak and inadequate explanations we’ve seen in the past.
“Molecular Clock” Can’t Save Darwin from the Cambrian Explosion
A team eager to stretch out the evolution of Cambrian animals into the early Precambrian gives up and says it’s not possible.
Eric Davidson (1937-2015) on Gene Regulatory Networks
Dr. Davidson’s passing seems like an appropriate time to review the work of the great dGRN expert.