Tag: News and Events
On C-SPAN2’s Book TV, Stephen Meyer Talks About Darwin’s Doubt
We can think of some reviewers of Darwin Doubt, who supposedly read the book, who would benefit from such a handy pr�cis of the contents.
John Farrell Tweets His Reply
I don’t have a Twitter account, but if I did, I might answer with a tweet of my own.
On Darwin’s Doubt, Still Waiting to Hear from Big Shots in the Darwin Brigade
Listening to Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved Show today, I was struck by something.
Promote Free Speech on Evolution: Spread the Video about Darwin’s Doubt
The critics of intelligent design don’t want people to read Darwin’s Doubt. Here’s a new video you can use to counter their campaign to suppress interest in the book.
RNS Interview: Meyer’s “Intelligent Defense of Intelligent Design”
Jonathan Merritt conducts an excellent interview with Dr. Stephen Meyer for Religion News Service.