Tag: News and Events
Understatement? Physicist Finds "Cognitive Awareness," as a Product of Evolution, "Almost Surprising"
Marcelo Gleiser offers the distinction between four separate epic “ages” of cosmic evolution.
Biochemist Larry Moran Denies Darwin’s Doubt, and We Doubt His Arguments
The University of Toronto scientist writes that he’s “a little miffed” about being left out of Debating Darwin’s Doubt.
A "Cambrian Explosion" in Robotics?
Here’s a fascinating and revealing analogy from IEEE Spectrum, published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Listen: How Long Was the Cambrian Explosion?
Casey Luskin responds to a common criticism of Stephen Meyer’s book Darwin’s Doubt.
Listen: Debating Donald Prothero
The ranting geologist is a gem — if you enjoy ad hominem attacks.