The Panda’s Thumb: An Extraordinary Instance of Design?
Optimizing a structure can sometimes come at the cost of certain design constraints.
Does the Panda Argument Hurt the Case for Evolution?
Gould cannot have it both ways: either theology-laden arguments are legitimate within scientific discourse or not.
Qualified Agreement: How Scientific Discoveries Support Theistic Belief
For many intellectuals, a scientifically informed worldview was a materialistic worldview. It is not hard to see why they held this opinion.
Cornell Professor: Intelligent Design Bashing Okay in Class, Support of ID Not Okay in Class
Cornell Professor Emeritus Richard A. Baer has an opinion piece in the Cornell Daily Sun that is right on target in several areas but completely lost when it comes to freedom of scientific inquiry and intelligent design. Baer rightly points out instances where staunch Darwinists such as Carl Sagan or Richard Dawkins have clearly crossed out of the realm of science and into philosophy by making dogmatically materialistic statements such as Sagan’s famous line that “The cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be.” Baer explains that in his experience: A far more serious problem at Cornell and at most universities is the many illegal border crossings that go on in the opposite direction: claims made Read More ›
TIME: Dawkins vs. Collins
TIME magazine this week has an interesting discussion between Richard Dawkins, author most recently of The God Delusion, and Francis Collins, author of The Language of God. It is worth reading. Two observations: